Additional file 1: Supplementary Fig. 1. Systemic administration of the same dose of U-69,593 used in the rat study did not increase water consumption and urination in female mice. Mice were individually placed in metabolic chambers and received a singl...
Kopruszinski, C. M. (Creator), Vizin, R. (Creator), Watanabe, M. (Creator), Martinez, A. L. (Creator), de Souza, L. H. M. (Creator), Dodick, D. W. (Creator), Porreca, F. (Creator), Navratilova, E. (Creator) (2022). Additional file 1 of Exploring the neurobiology of the premonitory phase of migraine preclinically – a role for hypothalamic kappa opioid receptors?. figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.21251708.v1