Grants per year
Search results
CAREER: Reconfiguring Life: Care and control in bioengineering
Frow, E. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/1/21 → 8/31/26
Project: Research project
Understanding Algorithmic Folk Theories: Tracing Community-Based Knowledge on TikTok
Florini, S. (PI)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
11/1/23 → 10/31/24
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Toward lifelike synthetic cells via engineered control of DNA replication
Frow, E. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
8/15/21 → 7/31/24
Project: Research project
Craftwork as Soulwork: Sanctifying Scientific Practice among GeneticsResearchers
Braden, B. B. (CoI), Stabenfeldt, S. (CoI), Robert, J. (CoI), Helms Tillery, S. (CoI) & Bennett, G. (PI)
7/1/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
Our SHARED Future: Science, Humanities, Arts, Research Ethics, and Deliberation
Robert, J. (PI)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
10/1/20 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
Synthetic cells that learn without evolution
Frow, E. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/16/19 → 8/31/23
Project: Research project
Integrity, Identity, and Pluralistic Ignorance: When Scientific Vocation Impedes the Reporting of Wrongdoing
Robert, J. (PI), Lange, D. (CoI) & Bennett, G. (CoI)
HHS-OS: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)
8/1/19 → 7/31/21
Project: Research project
Recovering Our Moral Capital
McGregor, J. (PI) & Fessenden, T. (CoI)
6/1/19 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
TENPO - Transdermal Neuromodulation
Helms Tillery, S. (PI), Kodibagkar, V. (CoI), Candan, K. (CoI), Robert, J. (CoI), Buneo, C. (CoI), Tyler, W. (CoI) & Sadleir, R. (CoI)
DOD-DARPA: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
4/20/17 → 4/20/21
Project: Research project