Grants per year
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Collaborative Research: Understanding Environmental and Ecological Controls on Carbon Export and Flux Attenuation near Bermuda
Maas, A. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
4/1/24 → 3/31/27
Project: Research project
ASU-BIOS Internal Account for PI: Sawall - CAS- Climate: Assessing the potenRal of arRficial upwelling to miRgate coral bleaching during heat waves
Sawall, Y. (PI)
12/1/23 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Nitrous oxide reduction in oxygen minimum zones: an understudied but critical loss term in ocean greenhouse gas cycling
Grundle, D. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
10/1/23 → 2/28/25
Project: Research project
Pathways to power: supporting Indigenous peoples and local communities to achieve local and global conservation goals.
Kittinger, J. (PI)
Society for Conservation Biology
6/15/23 → 6/14/25
Project: Research project
Decision Support to Improve Ridge-to-Reef Stewardship in an Era of Rapid Global Change
Asner, G. (PI)
8/31/21 → 8/30/26
Project: Research project
Remote VSWIR Imaging spectroscopy for Global aquatic environment monitoring
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
11/1/23 → 9/29/24
Project: Research project
Scaling the remote sensing of invasive species in California (CalWeeds)
Martin, R. (PI)
National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA)
10/3/23 → 9/29/24
Project: Research project
ASU-BIOS Internal Account for PI: Grundle - SARGADOM Project
Grundle, D. (PI)
Sargasso Sea Project Inc. (SSPI)
5/15/23 → 6/15/23
Project: Research project
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Predicting the spread of Rapid Ohia Death and detecting resistant varieties of Metrosideros polymorpha
Asner, G. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/15/22 → 8/31/24
Project: Research project
Remote VSWIR Imaging spectroscopy for Global Discovery and Conservation Science
Asner, G. (PI)
11/9/21 → 9/25/23
Project: Research project
Space-based Imaging Spectroscopy and Applications
Asner, G. (PI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/24
Project: Research project
Quantifying vulnerability to sea level rise across multiple coastal typologies
Martin, R. (PI)
National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA)
8/1/21 → 7/31/24
Project: Research project
Expanding the Impact of the Allen Coral Atlas through Global Reef Monitoring
Asner, G. (PI)
7/16/21 → 12/6/23
Project: Research project
Remote VSWIR Imaging spectroscopy - Renewal - 1
Asner, G. (PI)
10/29/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
Mapping the Onset of Rapid O'hi'a Death (ROD) Using Remotely Sensed Canopy Chemistry
Asner, G. (PI)
8/19/19 → 6/1/24
Project: Research project
Carbon Neutral Landscapes - Hawaii as a model system for reducing the global warming potential of the atmosphere.
Asner, G. (PI)
6/11/19 → 6/1/24
Project: Research project