6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Kelly Knudson with the persons below:
Jane Buikstra
- Arizona State University, Humanities Research, Institute for (IHR) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Bioarchaeological Research, Center for (CBR) - Regents' Professor
Anne Stone
- Arizona State University, Human Origins, Institute of (IHO) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Evolution and Medicine, Center for - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Global Health, Center for - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Bioarchaeological Research, Center for (CBR) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - Regents' Professor
- Arizona State University, Knowledge Enterprise (KE) - Regents' Professor
Gwyneth Gordon
- Arizona State University, Core Facilities (CF) - Research Assistant Professor
- Arizona State University, Earth and Space Exploration, School of (SESE) - Research Assistant Professor
- Arizona State University, Materials of the Universe Center - Research Assistant Professor
Ariel Anbar
- Arizona State University, Sustainability Initiative - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Molecular Sciences, School of (SMS) - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Immunotherapy, Vaccines and Virotherapy, Center for (CIVV) - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Meteorite Studies, Center for - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Earth and Space Exploration, School of (SESE) - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Teachers College, Mary Lou Fulton (MLFTC) - President's Professor
- Arizona State University, Materials of the Universe Center - President's Professor