Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1990 …2024

Research activity per year

Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2023

    Approaches to lowering the cost of large space telescopes

    Douglas, E. S., Aldering, G., Allan, G. W., Anche, R., Angel, R., Ard, C. C., Chakrabarti, S., Close, L. M., Derby, K., Edelstein, J., Ford, J., Gersh-Range, J., Haffert, S. Y., Ingraham, P. J., Kang, H., Kelly, D. M., Kim, D., Lesser, M., Leisenring, J. M. & Lin, Y. C. & 9 others, Males, J. R., Martin, B., Payan, B. A., Sai Krishanth, P. M., Rubin, D., Selznick, S., Van Gorkom, K., Jannuzi, B. T. & Perlmutter, S., 2023, Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems IV. Hull, T. B., Kim, D. & Hallibert, P. (eds.). SPIE, 126770D. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12677).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Scopus citations
  • 2022

    Tolerance analysis of a self-coherent camera for wavefront sensing and dark hole maintenance

    Derby, K. Z., Haffert, S., Ashcraft, J., Milani, K., Choi, H., Kim, Y., Close, L., Mendillo, C., Chakrabarti, S., Allan, G., Pogorelyuk, L., Cahoy, K., N'Diaye, M., Kim, D., Males, J. & Douglas, E., 2022, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Coyle, L. E., Matsuura, S. & Perrin, M. D. (eds.). SPIE, 1218069. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12180).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    Data-driven subspace predictive control: Lab demonstration and future outlook

    Haffert, S. Y., Males, J. R., Close, L., Long, J., Schatz, L., Van Gorkom, K., Hedglen, A., Lumbres, J., Rodack, A., Guyon, O., Knight, J., Sun, H. & Fogarty, K., 2021, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X. Shaklan, S. B. & Ruane, G. J. (eds.). SPIE, 1182306. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11823).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    8 Scopus citations
  • Imaging low-mass planets within the habitable zones of nearby stars with ground-based mid-infrared imaging

    Wagner, K., Ertel, S., Stone, J., Leisenring, J., Apai, D., Kasper, M., Absil, O., Close, L., Defrère, D., Guyon, O. & Males, J., 2021, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X. Shaklan, S. B. & Ruane, G. J. (eds.). SPIE, 118230G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11823).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    4 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    A direct measurement of atmospheric dispersion in N-band spectra: Implications for mid-IR systems on ELTs

    Skemer, A. J., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Close, L. M., Kendrew, S., Mathar, R. J., Stuik, R., Greene, T. P., Woodward, C. E. & Kelley, M. S., 2020, 1st AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes. Clenet, Y., Conan, J.-M., Fusco, T. & Rousset, G. (eds.). EDP Sciences, 05019. (1st AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • MagAO-X first light

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Hedglen, A. D., Van Gorkom, K., Long, J. D., Kautz, M., Lumbres, J., Schatz, L., Rodack, A., Miller, K., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Bos, S., Knight, J. M., Morzinski, K., Gasho, V., Keller, C., Haffert, S. & Pearce, L., 2020, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. & Vernet, E. (eds.). SPIE, 114484L. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11448).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    26 Scopus citations
  • Multi-core fibre-fed integral-field unit (MCIFU): Overview and first-light

    Haffert, S. Y., Harris, R. J., Zanutta, A., Pike, F. A., Bianco, A., Redaelli, E., Benoît, A., MacLachlan, D. G., Ross, C. A., Gris-Sánchez, I., Trappen, M. D., Xu, Y., Blaicher, M., Maier, P., Riva, G., Sinquin, B., Kulcsár, C., Bharmal, N. A., Gendron, E. & Staykov, L. & 16 others, Morris, T. J., Barboza, S., Muench, N., Bardour, L., Prengère, L., Raynaud, H. F., Hottinger, P., Anagnos, T., Osborn, J., Koos, C., Thompson, R. R., Birks, T. A., Snellen, I. A. G., Keller, C. U., Close, L. & Males, J. R., 2020, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. & Vernet, E. (eds.). SPIE, 114484M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11448).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    7 Scopus citations
  • Prediction of the planet yield of the MaxProtoPlanetS high-contrast survey for H-alpha protoplanets with MagAO-X based on first light contrasts

    Close, L. M., Males, J., Long, J. D., Van Gorkom, K., Hedglen, A. D., Kautz, M., Lumbres, J., Haffert, S. Y., Follette, K., Wagner, K., Miller, K., Apai, D., Wu, Y. L., Guyon, O., Schatz, L., Rodack, A., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Knight, J. M. & Morzinski, K. & 6 others, Gasho, V., Keller, C., Pearce, L., Weinberger, A., Pérez, L. & Doyon, R., 2020, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. & Vernet, E. (eds.). SPIE, 114480U. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11448).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    7 Scopus citations
  • SHARK-NIR, toward the installation at the Large Binocular Telescope

    Marafatto, L., Bergomi, M., Biondi, F., Carolo, E., De Pascale, M., Greggio, D., Lessio, L., Mesa, D., Santhakumari, K. K. R., Umbriaco, G., Vassallo, D., Viotto, V., Bianco, A., Dima, M., D'Orazi, V., Grenz, P., Leisenring, J. M., Mohr, L., Montoya, M. & Zanutta, A. & 22 others, Antoniucci, S., Arcidiacono, C., Bacciotti, F., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Bongiorno, A., Carlotti, A., Chinellato, S., Close, L., Di Filippo, S., Esposito, S., Farisato, G., Guyon, O., Hinz, P., Magrin, D., Pedichini, F., Pinna, E., Portaluri, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Rossi, F. & Farinato, J., 2020, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. & Vernet, E. (eds.). SPIE, 114481M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11448).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Scopus citations
  • The Giant Magellan Telescope high contrast phasing testbed

    Hedglen, A. D., Close, L. M., Bouchez, A. H., Males, J. R., Demers, R., Kautz, M., Basant, R., Parkinson, M., Gasho, V., Quirós-Pacheco, F. & Sitarski, B. N., 2020, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. & Vernet, E. (eds.). SPIE, 114482X. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 11448).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    6 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    A locking clamp that enables high thermal and vibrational stability for kinematic optical mounts

    Kautz, M., Close, L. M. & Males, J. R., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107032Q. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    8 Scopus citations
  • Design of the MagAO-X pyramid wavefront sensor

    Schatz, L. H., Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Durney, O., Guyon, O., Hart, M., Lumbres, J., Miller, K., Knight, J., Rodack, A. T., Long, J. D., Van Gorkom, K., Jean, M. & Kautz, M., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 1070321. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Scopus citations
  • Focal plane wavefront sensing and control strategies for high-contrast imaging on the MagAO-X instrument

    Miller, K., Males, J. R., Guyon, O., Close, L. M., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Por, E., Wilby, M. J., Bohlman, C., Lumbres, J., Van Gorkom, K., Kautz, M., Rodack, A., Knight, J., Jovanovic, N., Morzinski, K. & Schatz, L., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107031T. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • MagAO-X: Project status and first laboratory results

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Miller, K., Schatz, L., Doelman, D., Lumbres, J., Snik, F., Rodack, A., Knight, J., Van Gorkom, K., Long, J. D., Hedglen, A., Kautz, M., Jovanovic, N., Morzinski, K., Guyon, O., Douglas, E., Follette, K. B., Lozi, J. & Bohlman, C. & 15 others, Durney, O., Gasho, V., Hinz, P., Ireland, M., Jean, M., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Mazin, B., Noenickx, J., Alfred, D., Perez, K., Sanchez, A., Sauve, C., Weinberger, A. & Conrad, A., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 1070309. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    80 Scopus citations
  • Modeling coronagraphic extreme wavefront control systems for high contrast imaging in ground and space telescope missions

    Lumbres, J., Males, J., Douglas, E., Close, L., Guyon, O., Cahoy, K., Carlton, A., Clark, J., Doelman, D., Feinberg, L., Knight, J., Marlow, W., Miller, K., Morzinski, K., Por, E., Rodack, A., Schatz, L., Snik, F., Van Gorkom, K. & Wilby, M., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107034Z. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Optical and mechanical design of the extreme AO coronagraphic instrument MagAO-X

    Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Durney, O., Sauve, C., Kautz, M., Hedglen, A., Schatz, L., Lumbres, J., Miller, K., Van Gorkom, K., Jean, M. & Gasho, V., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107034Y. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    33 Scopus citations
  • Optical field/pupil rotator with a novel compact K-mirror for MagAO-X

    Hedglen, A. D., Close, L. M., Males, J. R. & Durney, O., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 1070355. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Scopus citations
  • Preliminary on-sky results of the next generation GMT phasing sensor prototype

    Kopon, D., McLeod, B., Bouchez, A., Catropa, D., Van Dam, M. A., Frostig, D., Kansky, J., McCracken, K., Podgorski, W., McMuldroch, S., D'Arco, J., Close, L., Males, J. R. & Morzinski, K., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107030X. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    12 Scopus citations
  • SHARK-NIR: The coronagraphic camera for LBT in the AIV phase at INAF-Padova

    Farinato, J., Agapito, G., Bacciotti, F., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Bergomi, M., Bianco, A., Bongiorno, A., Carbonaro, L., Carolo, E., Carlotti, A., Chinellato, S., Close, L., De Pascale, M., Dima, M., D'Orazi, V., Esposito, S., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G. & Gaessler, W. & 20 others, Giallongo, E., Greggio, D., Guyon, O., Hinz, P., Lessio, L., Magrin, D., Marafatto, L., Mesa, D., Mohr, L., Montoya, M., Pedichini, F., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Salasnich, B., Stangalini, M., Vassallo, D., Vérinaud, C., Viotto, V. & Zanutta, A., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107030E. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Scopus citations
  • Status of MagAO and review of astronomical science with visible light adaptive optics

    Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Briguglio, R., Follette, K. B., Wu, Y. L., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Xompero, M., Quiros, F. & Hinz, P. M., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107030L. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    12 Scopus citations
  • Surveying the Epsilon Eridani system Using MagAO

    Morgan, R. E., Douglas, E. S., Cahoy, K. L., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M. & Close, L., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107032M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • The hunt for Sirius Ab: Comparison of algorithmic sky and PSF estimation performance in deep coronagraphic thermal-IR high contrast imaging

    Long, J. D., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Snik, F., Kenworthy, M. A., Otten, G. P. P. L., Monnier, J., Tolls, V. & Weinberger, A., 2018, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. Schmidt, D., Schreiber, L. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 107032T. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10703).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    3 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    A review of astronomical science with visible light adaptive optics

    Close, L. M., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 99091E. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    9 Scopus citations
  • High-contrast imaging in the cloud with klipReduce and findr

    Haug-Baltzell, A., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Wu, Y. L., Merchant, N., Lyons, E. & Close, L. M., 2016, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV. Chiozzi, G. & Guzman, J. C. (eds.). SPIE, 99130F. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9913).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    5 Scopus citations
  • Imaging protoplanets: Observing transition disks with non-redundant masking

    Sallum, S., Eisner, J., Close, L. M., Hinz, P. M., Follette, K. B., Kratter, K., Skemer, A. J., Bailey, V. P., Briguglio, R., Defrere, D., Macintosh, B. A., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Puglisi, A. T., Rodigas, T. J., Tuthill, P. G., Spalding, E., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A. & Xomperio, M., 2016, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V. Creech-Eakman, M. J., Malbet, F. & Tuthill, P. G. (eds.). SPIE, 99070D. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9907).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    15 Scopus citations
  • MagAO: Status and science

    Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Hinz, P. M., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Briguglio, R., Follette, K. B., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Vezilj, J., Xompero, M. & Wu, Y. L., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 990901. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    16 Scopus citations
  • On-sky demonstration of the GMT dispersed fringe phasing sensor prototype on the Magellan Telescope

    Kopon, D., McLeod, B., Van Dam, M. A., Bouchez, A., McCracken, K., Catropa, D., Podgorski, W., McMuldroch, S., Conder, A., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K. & Norton, T., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 990946. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    10 Scopus citations
  • SHARK-NIR: From K-band to a key instrument, a status update

    Farinato, J., Bacciotti, F., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Bergomi, M., Bongiorno, A., Carbonaro, L., Carolo, E., Carlotti, A., Centrone, M., Close, L., De Pascale, M., Dima, M., D'Orazi, V., Esposito, S., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G., Gaessler, W., Giallongo, E. & Greggio, D. & 16 others, Guyon, O., Hinz, P., Lisi, F., Magrin, D., Marafatto, L., Mohr, L., Montoya, M., Pedichini, F., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Salasnich, B., Stangalini, M., Vassallo, D., Verinaud, C. & Viotto, V., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 990931. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    11 Scopus citations
  • The path to visible extreme adaptive optics with MagAO-2K and MagAO-X

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Morzinski, K. M., Hinz, P., Esposito, S., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Riccardi, A., Puglisi, A., Mazin, B., Ireland, M. J., Weinberger, A., Conrad, A., Kenworthy, M., Snik, F., Otten, G., Jovanovic, N. & Lozi, J., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 990952. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    18 Scopus citations
  • Vibrations in MagAO: Resonance sources identification and first approaches for modeling and control

    Garcés, J., Zúñiga, S., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Escárate, P., Castro, M., Marchioni, J. & Rojas, D., 2016, Adaptive Optics Systems V. Marchetti, E., Veran, J.-P. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 99093G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9909).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    9 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    Vibrations in MagAO: Analysis of on-sky data and future challenges in vibrations mitigation

    Zúñiga, S., Garcés, J., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Escárate, P. & Castro, M., 2015, Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015. Optical Society of America (OSA), (Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    8 Scopus citations
  • Vibrations in MagAO: Resonance sources identification through frequency-based analysis

    Garcés, J., Zúñiga, S., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Escárate, P. & Castro, M., 2015, Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015. Optical Society of America (OSA), p. 289 1 p. (Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    10 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Direct imaging of exoplanets in the habitable zone with adaptive optics

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Morzinski, K., Puglisi, A., Hinz, P., Follette, K. B., Monnier, J. D., Tolls, V., Rodigas, T. J., Weinberger, A., Boss, A., Kopon, D., Wu, Y. L., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R. & Pinna, E., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 914820. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    23 Scopus citations
  • High contrast imaging at the LBT: The LEECH exoplanet imaging survey

    Skemer, A. J., Hinz, P., Esposito, S., Skrutskie, M. F., Defrère, D., Bailey, V., Leisenring, J., Apai, D., Biller, B., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Close, L., Crepp, J., De Rosa, R. J., Desidera, S., Eisner, J., Fortney, J., Henning, T. & Hofmann, K. H. & 17 others, Kopytova, T., Maire, A. L., Males, J. R., Millan-Gabet, R., Morzinski, K., Oza, A., Patience, J., Rajan, A., Rieke, G., Schertl, D., Schlieder, J., Su, K., Vaz, A., Ward-Duong, K., Weigelt, G., Woodward, C. E. & Zimmerman, N., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 91480L. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Into the blue: AO science with MagAO in the visible

    Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Follette, K. B., Hinz, P., Morzinski, K., Wu, Y. L., Kopon, D., Riccardi, A., Esposito, S., Puglisi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R. & Quiros-Pacheco, F., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 91481M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    25 Scopus citations
  • MagAO: Status and on-sky performance of the Magellan adaptive optics system

    Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Kopon, D., Hinz, P. M., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Puglisi, A., Pinna, E., Briguglio, R., Xompero, M., Quirós-Pacheco, F., Bailey, V., Follette, K. B., Rodigas, T. J., Wu, Y. L., Arcidiacono, C., Argomedo, J., Busoni, L. & Hare, T. & 2 others, Uomoto, A. & Weinberger, A., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 914804. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    58 Scopus citations
  • Results from the Gemini NICI planet-finding campaign

    Biller, B. A., Liu, M. C., Wahhaj, Z., Nielsen, E. L., Hayward, T. L., Chun, M. R., Close, L. M., Ftaclas, C., Males, J. R., Hartung, M., Reid, I. N., Shkolnik, E., Skemer, A. J., Tecza, M., Thatte, N. A., Clarke, F. & Toomey, D., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 91481O. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • SHARK (System for coronagraphy with High order Adaptive optics from R to K band): A proposal for the LBT 2nd generation instrumentation

    Farinato, J., Pedichini, F., Pinna, E., Baciotti, F., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Bergomi, M., Bruno, P., Cappellaro, E., Carbonaro, L., Carlotti, A., Centrone, M., Close, L., Codona, J., Desidera, S., Dima, M., Esposito, S., Fantinel, D., Farisato, G. & Fontana, A. & 22 others, Gaessler, W., Giallongo, E., Gratton, R., Greggio, D., Guerra, J. C., Guyon, O., Hinz, P., Leone, F., Lisi, F., Magrin, D., Marafatto, L., Munari, M., Pagano, I., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Salasnich, B., Sani, E., Scuderi, S., Stangalini, M., Testa, V., Verinaud, C. & Viotto, V., 2014, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V. Ramsay, S. K., McLean, I. S. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 91477J. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9147).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    24 Scopus citations
  • The giant magellan telescope: Imaging new worlds

    Close, L. M., 2014, Imaging and Applied Optics - Imaging Systems and Applications, ISA 2014. Optical Society of America (OSA), (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Toward visible wavelength coherent imaging with the LBT

    Hinz, P., Esposito, S., Apai, D., Brusa, G., Close, L., Guyon, O., Hill, J., Males, J., Pinna, E. & Puglisi, A., 2014, Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV. Rajagopal, J. K., Creech-Eakman, M. J. & Malbet, F. (eds.). SPIE, 914605. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9146).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    7 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    A direct imaging study to search for and to characterize planetary mass companions

    Ward-Duong, K., Patience, J., De Rosa, R. J., Rajan, A., Hinz, P., Skemer, A., Morzinski, K., Males, J., Close, L. M., McCarthy, D. W. & Kulesa, C., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 74-75 2 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • Direct imaging of Beta Pictoris b with first-light Magellan Adaptive Optics

    Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Hinz, P. M., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Follette, K., Kopon, D., Gasho, V., Uomoto, A., Hare, T., Skemer, A., Arcidiacono, C., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J. & Busoni, L. & 2 others, Rodigas, T. J. & Wu, Y. L., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 252-256 5 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • High-contrast exoplanet imaging with CLIO2, the Magellan adaptive optics infrared camera

    Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Hinz, P. M., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Follette, K., Kopon, D., Skemer, A., Gasho, V., Uomoto, A., Hare, T., Arcidiacono, C., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J. & Busoni, L. & 2 others, Rodigas, T. J. & Wu, Y. L., 2013, 3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes. INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo Enrico Fermi, (3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • High contrast imaging of an exoplanet with the magellan VisAO camera

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Morzinski, K. M., Kopon, D., Puglisi, A., Gasho, V., Follette, K., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Arcidiacono, C., Hinz, P. M., Uomoto, A., Hare, T., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J., Busoni, L. & Rodigas, T. J. & 1 others, Wu, Y. L., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 46-47 2 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • High contrast imaging with the Magellan VisAO camera

    Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Morzinski, K. M., Kopon, D., Follette, K. B., Hinz, P. M., Rodigas, T. J., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Wu, Y. L., Uomoto, A. & Hare, T., 2013, 3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes. INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo Enrico Fermi, (3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    2 Scopus citations
  • Into the blue: AO science in the visible with MagAO

    Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K., Kopon, D., Follette, K., Rodigas, T. J., Hinz, P., Wu, Y. L., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Uomoto, A. & Hare, T., 2013, 3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes. INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo Enrico Fermi, (3rd AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    4 Scopus citations
  • LEECH: A 100 night exoplanet imaging survey at the LBT

    Skemer, A., Apai, D., Bailey, V., Biller, B., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Close, L., Crepp, J., Defrere, D., Desidera, S., Eisner, J., Esposito, S., Fortney, J., Henning, T., Hinz, P., Hofmann, K. H., Leisenring, J., Males, J. & Millan-Gabet, R. & 12 others, Morzinski, K., Oza, A., Pascucci, I., Patience, J., Rieke, G., Schertl, D., Schlieder, J., Skrutskie, M., Su, K., Weigelt, G., Woodward, C. E. & Zimmerman, N., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 70-71 2 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Visible AO observations at halpha for accreting young planets

    Close, L. M., Follette, K., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K., Rodigas, T. J., Hinz, P., Wu, Y. L., Apai, D., Najita, J., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Bailey, V., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R. & Weinberger, A., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 32-33 2 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • Visible light adaptive optics imaging of the orion 218-354 silhouette disk

    Follette, K. B., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Kopon, D., Wu, Y. L., Morzinski, K. M., Hinz, P., Rodigas, T. J., Puglisi, A., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Pinna, E., Xompero, M. & Briguglio, R., Jun 2013, Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. S299 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 159-160 2 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 8, no. S299).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • 2012

    First closed-loop visible AO test results for the advanced adaptive secondary AO system for the Magellan Telescope: MagAO's performance and status

    Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Kopon, D., Gasho, V., Follette, K. B., Hinz, P., Morzinski, K., Uomoto, A., Hare, T., Riccardi, A., Esposito, S., Puglisi, A., Pinna, E., Busoni, L., Arcidiacono, C., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Quiros-Pacheco, F. & Argomedo, J., 2012, Adaptive Optics Systems III. 84470X. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 8447).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    60 Scopus citations