Grants per year
Search results
State of Arizona Office of Resiliency
Caughman, L. (CoI), Keeler, L. (PI), Johnson, N. (CoI) & Buch, R. (CoI)
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
10/21/23 → 3/1/27
Project: Research project
Integrated Energy Systems for Enhanced Climate Adaptation
Johnson, N. (CoI) & Chester, M. (PI)
DOD: Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)
8/16/23 → 8/15/26
Project: Research project
21-000002221: STEM Training for Resilience In a Defense Environment (STRIDE)
Johnson, N. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
3/1/23 → 2/28/26
Project: Research project
EW22-7430 High-Resolution Metering & State Estimation for Low-Cost Real-Time Awareness and Improved Microgrid Design
Johnson, N. (PI)
DOD-ARMY: Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
12/14/22 → 12/13/26
Project: Research project
Transferring Capability for Microgrids and Resilience in DoD Installations
Johnson, N. (PI)
DOD: Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)
12/5/22 → 12/5/26
Project: Research project
Vittal, V. (CoI), Johnson, N. (CoI) & Parrish, K. (PI)
8/1/22 → 5/16/27
Project: Research project
Providing Energy Resilience with an ROI
Johnson, N. (PI)
DOD-ARMY: Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
7/15/22 → 7/15/25
Project: Research project
ASU-APS Battery Implementation at West Campus - Research
Johnson, N. (PI)
3/24/22 → 1/1/26
Project: Research project
ASU-APS Battery Implementation at West Campus - Battery System
Johnson, N. (CoI)
3/24/22 → 1/1/26
Project: Research project
Advancing Modern Power through Utility Partnerships (AmpUp) - Amendment 1
Johnson, N. (PI), Choi, J. M. (CoI), Phelan, P. (CoI), Buch, R. (CoI) & Milcarek, R. (CoI)
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
12/30/21 → 7/16/26
Project: Research project