Grants per year
Search results
HDO Imaging as a Quantitative Marker of Cerebral Glucose Oxidation
Kodibagkar, V. (PI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/1/22 → 5/31/26
Project: Research project
Optimizing macroencapsulation devices for islet transplantation via magnetic resonance oximetry
Kodibagkar, V. (CoI) & Weaver, J. (PI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/16/21 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
One-shot morphologic, hemodynamic and metabolic MR imaging of brain tumors
Kodibagkar, V. (PI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
7/5/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
Adaptable Multi Modality Nanoprobes for Non Invasive Real Time Monitoring of
Brafman, D. (PI) & Kodibagkar, V. (CoI)
US Department of Defense (DOD)
4/1/19 → 7/1/21
Project: Research project
Quantitative Mapping of Oxygenation around Neural Interfaces Using Novel PISTOL MR Imaging
Muthuswamy, J. (PI) & Kodibagkar, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/30/18 → 6/30/23
Project: Research project
Mechanism and dosimetry exploration in transcranial electrical stimulation using magnetic resonance current mapping methods.
Sadleir, R. (PI) & Kodibagkar, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
7/19/17 → 5/31/22
Project: Research project
TENPO - Transdermal Neuromodulation
Helms Tillery, S. (PI), Kodibagkar, V. (CoI), Candan, K. (CoI), Robert, J. (CoI), Buneo, C. (CoI), Tyler, W. (CoI) & Sadleir, R. (CoI)
DOD-DARPA: Biological Technologies Office (BTO)
4/20/17 → 4/20/21
Project: Research project
Next Generation Precision Diagnostics for Brain Injury
Stabenfeldt, S. (PI) & Kodibagkar, V. (CoI)
10/1/14 → 5/1/17
Project: Research project
Detecting and Treating Traumatic Brain Injury Pathology Progression from the Inside-Out
Stabenfeldt, S. (PI), Kodibagkar, V. (CoI), Sierks, M. (CoI), Rege, K. (CoI) & Kleim, J. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/15/14 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Evaluation of New Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging and Spectroscopy Software
Kodibagkar, V. (PI)
8/8/14 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
CAREER: Quantitative Imaging of Tissue Oxygenation
Kodibagkar, V. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
4/15/14 → 3/31/19
Project: Research project
Direct Functional Imaging of Electrical Brain Stimulation
Sadleir, R. (PI) & Kodibagkar, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
3/15/14 → 2/28/19
Project: Research project
1H MRI Based Nanosensors for Imaging Tumor Oxygenation
Kodibagkar, V. (PI)
HHS-NIH: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
3/6/12 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project