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SenSIP Project: Minimally Supervised Machine Learning for Condition Monitoring of Machinery
Tepedelenlioglu, C. (CoI), Spanias, A. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
1/1/23 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
PIPP Phase I: Computational foundations for bio-social modeling of unseen pandemics
Pedrielli, G. (CoI), Lim, E. (CoI), Lant, T. (CoI), Johnston, E. (CoI), Dasarathy, G. (CoI), Trieu, N. (CoI), Rivera, D. (CoI), Turaga, P. (PI), Li, W. (CoI), Halden, R. (CoI), Woodbury, N. (CoI), Solis, P. (CoI), Simeone, M. (CoI), Berisha, V. (CoI), Buman, M. (CoI), Sankar, L. (CoI) & Kelbauskas, L. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/15/22 → 2/29/24
Project: Research project
Validating an objective assessment of speech outcomes of children with cleft palate pre and post secondary surgery
Berisha, V. (CoI), Scherer, N. (PI) & Liss, J. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/1/22 → 8/31/24
Project: Research project
STTR Phase I: Remote assessment of respiratory function in hospital patients based on speech acoustics (COVID-19)
Liss, J. (CoI), Berisha, V. (CoI), Scherer, N. (PI) & Runger, G. (CoI)
NSF: Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)
5/25/22 → 2/28/23
Project: Research project
MaCRoLearn: Manifold Controls for Robust Learning
Dasarathy, G. (CoI), Turaga, P. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
4/4/22 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
The effects of telepractice technology on dysarthric speech evaluation
Berisha, V. (PI), Ingram, K. (CoI) & Liss, J. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
6/1/21 → 5/31/24
Project: Research project
Active meta learning
Dasarathy, G. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
5/26/21 → 5/25/24
Project: Research project
SenSIP Project-Training Deep Neural Networks that are Robust to Quantization - Revision - 1
Berisha, V. (PI) & Spanias, A. (CoI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
8/1/20 → 2/1/21
Project: Research project
RAPID: FACT: Federated Analytics based Contact Tracing for COVID-19
Zhao, M. (CoI), Sankar, L. (PI), Berisha, V. (CoI) & Trieu, N. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
6/1/20 → 5/31/23
Project: Research project
CPS: Small: Real-time spatial audio on the Internet of Things
LiKamWa, R. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
10/1/19 → 9/30/23
Project: Research project
Biomarker Signature to Predict the Persistence of Post-Traumatic Headache
Berisha, V. (CoI) & Wu, T. (PI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9/1/19 → 7/31/23
Project: Research project
SenSIP Project-Training Deep Neural Networks that are Robust to Quantization
Berisha, V. (PI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
1/15/19 → 1/14/20
Project: Research project
MMSA Seed Grant - Speech Analysis in ALS Patients with an without Cognitive Abnormalities: Evaluation of Sensitivity and Disease Progression
Berisha, V. (PI) & Liss, J. (CoI)
Dignity Health dba St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
9/24/18 → 9/25/18
Project: Research project
Objectively Quantifying Speech Outcomes of Children with Cleft Palate
Scherer, N. (PI), Liss, J. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
8/16/18 → 12/31/21
Project: Research project
SenSIP Project: Nanopore Sensors and Signal Processing Algorithms for Health Monitoring
Goryll, M. (PI), Spanias, A. (CoI), Thornton, T. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
9/1/17 → 7/31/20
Project: Research project
An information-theoretic approach to improving the robustness of deep learning architectures
Berisha, V. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
9/1/17 → 12/31/21
Project: Research project
Speech Rhythm Entrainment in the COntext of Dysarthria
Berisha, V. (PI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
7/1/17 → 11/28/20
Project: Research project
Mayo Clinic and ASU Alliance for Health Care Summer Residency Program
Berisha, V. (PI)
5/8/17 → 10/30/17
Project: Research project
Perception of Dysarthric Speech: An Objective Model of Dysarthric Speech Evaluation with Actionable Outcomes
Liss, J. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
2/15/17 → 7/31/23
Project: Research project
Speech Changes as Predictors of Migraine Attack Onset
Berisha, V. (PI)
1/1/17 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Speech and Language analytics for early detection of psychosis 30007428
Berisha, V. (PI) & Liss, J. (CoI)
12/15/16 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
MURA Project: Passive Monitoring of Motoric Abilities Using Mobile Technology
Berisha, V. (PI)
12/14/16 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Asthma Control Cough Assessment with Smart Wearable Devices
Cao, Y. (PI), Berisha, V. (CoI), Vrudhula, S. (CoI) & Seo, J.-S. (CoI)
11/15/16 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
SenSIP Project: Minimally Supervised Machine Learning for Condition Monitoring of Machinery
Spanias, A. (PI), Berisha, V. (CoI) & Tepedelenlioglu, C. (CoI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
9/30/16 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: The reticulationactivation nexus in organizations: An agent-based model and empirical test using unique data
Corman, S. (PI), Bliss, D. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/1/16 → 8/31/20
Project: Research project
MURA Project: Passive Monitoring of Motoric Abilities Using Mobile Technology
Berisha, V. (PI)
6/22/16 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Robust low-power implementations of complex models
Berisha, V. (PI)
3/29/16 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
YR 2: ASA Minority Fellowship - Steven Sandoval
Spanias, A. (PI), Liss, J. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
9/1/15 → 5/30/16
Project: Research project
Multivariable Models of Brain Structure that Classify Post-Traumatic Headache and Differentiate It from Migraine
Berisha, V. (PI)
1/1/15 → 6/30/16
Project: Research project
A web-based platform for cross-linguistic research in dysarthric speech
Liss, J. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
HHS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
1/1/15 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
YR 1: ASA Minority Fellowship - Steven Sandoval
Spanias, A. (PI), Liss, J. (CoI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
9/1/14 → 5/1/15
Project: Research project
SenSIP Project: Minimally Supervised Machine Learning for Condition Monitoring of Machinery
Spanias, A. (PI), Berisha, V. (CoI), Tepedelenlioglu, C. (CoI) & Turaga, P. (CoI)
INDUSTRY: Various Consortium Members
8/8/14 → 9/30/16
Project: Research project
Improving the Robustness of Deployed Machine Learning Algorithms N00014-14-1-0722
Berisha, V. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
7/15/14 → 1/14/18
Project: Research project