Arizona Alzheimer's Disease Core Center

  • Kaszniak, Alfred W (PI)
  • Alexander, Gene E (PI)
  • Kaszniak, Alfred W (PI)
  • Caselli, Richard J. (PI)
  • Beach, Thomas (PI)
  • Reiman, Eric Michael (PI)
  • Caselli, Richard J. (PI)
  • Beach, Thomas (PI)

Project: Research project

Grant Details


DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
This application seeks five years of initial support to establish the Arizona
Alzheimer's Disease Core Center (ADCC). The ADCC will provide the
administrative structure, leadership, communication, support, and clinical and
histopathological database needed to help fulfill our scientific mission,
integrate our research program, promote our scientific progress, and ensure
our accountability; it will work closely with researchers inside and outside
Arizona, other ADC's, and the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (Core
A). The ADCC will help researchers access data from and conduct studies in 400
patients with dementia, 80 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and
240 normal elderly control subjects who are clinically well characterized,
followed annually, and enrolled in our brain donation program; it will
annually evaluate 180 additional Hispanic subjects in these three groups and
explore the feasibility of conducting studies in 6 Native American Nations and
Tribes; and it will provide access to data acquired in an independent study of
cognitively normal persons with no copies, one copy, and two copies of the
apolipoprotein E4 allele (Core B). The ADCC will provide histopathological
diagnoses in expired brain donors and high-quality brain tissue to researchers
inside Arizona and around the world (Core C). It will increase the number of
productive scientists involved in AD research through education, training,
pilot studies, and collaborative research; it will enhance skills for the
professional care of patients with AD and related disorders; it will educate
the general public about AD and our ADCC; and it will provide innovative
Hispanic and Native American educational outreach programs (Core D).
The Arizona ADCC will further integrate, coordinate, and capitalize on
resources and activities in our recently established, state-supported,
multi-institutional Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research (CADR). The CADR's
major theme is the early detection and prevention of AD. Its major goals: (1)
to detect and track AD in patients with dementia and MCI, cognitively normal
persons at genetic risk for AD, and laboratory animals using brain imaging
techniques and other research methods; (2) to help clarify certain AD
mechanisms and risk factors; (3) to further characterize the neural systems
involved in aspects of memory, language, emotion, and consciousness, the
cognitive operations to which they are related, and the extent to which they
are preferentially affected by AD and aging; (4) to provide new methods and
strategies for the study of AD and aging in persons and laboratory animals;
(5) to help identify treatments to halt the progression and, indeed, prevent
the onset of AD; and (6) to establish a truly integrated, scientifically
productive "research laboratory without walls," which serves as a model of
multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research.
Effective start/end date7/1/016/30/21


  • National Institutes of Health


  • Medicine(all)


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