AZCCRS Strengthening: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics - A Collaborative Approach

Project: Research project

Grant Details


AZCCRS Strengthening Instructional Leadership in Mathematics A Collaborative Approach ASU Scope of Work The Arizona College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics (AZCCRS) present a unique opportunity to improve instructional leadership in mathematics in schools across Arizona, particularly in K- 8. This project builds on the existing Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Common Core Collaborative (C3) grant and focuses on further engaging higher education in AZCCRS implementation by creating and participating in AZCCRS professional development across the state, with the goal of increasing instructional leaders knowledge of and ability to coach AZCCRS for mathematics in Arizona classrooms. The overall goal of this project is to help ensure that school leaders develop a deeper understanding of the AZCCRS in mathematics, as well as how to coach and evaluate teachers in classrooms across the state. In addition, the project will help ensure that the next generation of leaders (who are currently in leadership training programs) will enter leadership positions prepared to coach and evaluate teachers in the implementation of the AZCCRS in mathematics The project will be implemented in three phases. Dr. Carl Hermanns will serve as the ASU PI for the grant, with Mrs. Eoline Cary serving as the Program Coordinator. ASU will partner with Roosevelt School District in implementing this grant. Phase 1 (spring and summer 2014) will involve analysis of needs assessment conducted with representative LEAs across the state regarding their knowledge and skill in instructional leadership and teacher evaluation for the AZCCRS in mathematics. Dr. Hermanns and Mrs. Cary will use these data to inform the faculty and other trainers in their preparation of professional development and materials creation and/or evaluation. Additionally, they will ensure content and pedagogy alignment with the previously awarded ITQ grant for teacher preparation (Roosevelt S.D.) in the AZCCRS for mathematics. During this time, Dr. Hermanns and Mrs. Cary will also be meeting with leadership and teachers from Roosevelt S.D. to determine their needs and collaboratively plan for implementation of the grant during the following school year (August, 2014- May, 2015). Also during Phase 1, select ASU faculty and leaders from Roosevelt S.D. and other LEAs will participate in professional development in the AZCCRS as determined by the needs assessment (possibly May/June 2014) through a statewide institute for leaders and their leadership teams in participating LEAs. At this time, participants will: Examine the research-affirmed foundation of mathematics content and process standards to deepen understanding of the AZCCRS expectations Focus on the school leaders role in promoting students attainment of the mathematics content and practices in AZCCRS Recognize the essential role of collaborative teams to support the transition to the AZCCRS and identify key collaborative team activities for AZCCRS implementation Discover the essential instructional shifts necessary to implement the AZCCRS for mathematics Examine evidence-based best practices for effective observation, coaching and evaluation of the AZCCRS in mathematics, with a focus on both content and pedagogy. It is essential that differentiation with regard to district evaluation be considered. Observation and feedback from participants will shape Phase 2 professional development. Phase 2 (Summer 2014 through Spring 2015) is focused on leadership development by region, specifically Roosevelt S.D., on the needs assessment and unique individual district needs. Dr. Hermanns will serve as co-chair of the planning group and Mrs. Cary, serving as a regional facilitator, will work with participants to provide group and some targeted coaching to extend understanding and application of professional development content and strategies for AZCCRS mathematics implementation. Potential points of focus include: Support and focus the work of their collaborative mathematics teams for significant student achievement and improvement Provide explicit guidance and resources on how to lead and exceed the assessment expectations of the AZCCRS Explore highly effective leadership strategies to move the AZCCRS for mathematics forward in schools and districts Other points of focus that align with the individual needs of schools/districts As a result of this phase, multiple models of professional development will be produced and implemented, and numerous materials will be created, modified, or evaluated.
Effective start/end date2/1/149/30/16


  • US Department of Education (DOEd): $295,000.00


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