Center For Compressible Multiphase Turbulence

  • Adrian, Ronald (PI)

Project: Research project

Grant Details


Center For Compressible Multiphase Turbulence Center for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence Prof. Ronald Adrian, Arizona State University will participate in the Center is several ways by means of a subcontract issued to ASU. First, the specific task of developing particle image velocimetry (PIV) and other diagnostic techniques for validation-quality measurements of particle motion in extreme environments will be performed by a post doctoral student under the supervision of Prof. Adrian at the Arizona State University. Second, an experiment will be conducted in a shock tube at ASU on the acceleration from rest of particle packed in a compressed air containing layer and confined by a membrane that ruptures into low-pressure air. The PIV will be used to study the acceleration and deceleration of the particle following rupture. This experiment has fewer variables than the explosive experiment so it naturally affords lower uncertainty, and make a n excellent test bed for PIV development. Thirdly, Prof. Adrian and the postdoctoral student will closely work with (UF) Research Scientists, Post Docs and graduate students who will be performing validation experiments at the High Explosive Research and Development (HERD) facility at the Eglin Air Force Base. In particular, Prof. Adrian will guide the process of uncertainty reduction in the experimental measurements in order to facilitate meaningful validation of the simulation results.
Effective start/end date1/27/141/26/19


  • US Department of Energy (DOE): $403,919.00


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