Grant Details
Low-cost high-resolution PIV for the measurement of velocity and acceleration during fluidstructure interactions Low-cost high-resolution PIV for the measurement of velocity and acceleration during fluid/structure interactions PHASE I OPTION Task 1. Develop a method for recording the images on a single camera and performing displacement analysis by second or third order correlation. Deliverable: Protocols and computer programs for implementing single black grey level camera designs. Comparison of performance of two single camera designs: a) explore commissioning the manufacture of a triple frame PIV camera; b) PIV camera recording image 1 in Frame 1 and images 2 and 3 in Frame 2. Analysis by second order and third order cross-correlation; c) single frame camera recording images 1, 2 and 3 in one frame. Analysis by second order and third order autocorrelation. Task 2. Select a segmentation approach that will provide accurate segmentation and robust adaptation to images of various kinds. The segmentation algorithm should not rely on artificial solid surface features. Deliverable: Program that separates the parts of an image arising from the fluid and the parts arising from the solid. PHASE II Task 1: Continue further developments described in Phase I Option Plan Based on the lessons learned from Phase I and Phase I option, the research team will continue to explore the protocols and computer programs for implementing single camera designs; computer algorithm that can separate the parts of an image arising from the fluid and the parts arising from the solid; and accuracy assessments for measurement of velocity and acceleration in an unsteady fluid flow, etc. Task 2: Improve deficiencies in space, time, measurement uncertainty, and accuracy from 3- pulse and 4-pulse analysis procedures The research team will perform benchmark type of experiments in order to evaluate the important issues such as spatial and temporal resolution, uncertainties and accuracies involved in data acquisition and data analysis. The principal investigator and his academic partner performed multiple experiments in the past in order to resolve the above issues, and they will design and choose appropriate experiments for continuing development. Task 3: Develop next generation low-cost three-pulse PIV system The research team will evaluate the existing technologies such as lasers, LEDs, cameras, synchronization panels, and data acquisition and analysis software packages related to the PIV systems and design a next generation, low-cost three-pulse PIV instrumentation utilizing LEDs, oblique scattering techniques, newly designed cameras, and efficient high resolution algorithms. The proposed research team has been involved in the development of all of the above components since early 1980s and their expertise and data have been used by majority of the commercial PIV vendors. The team had already discussed with multiple vendors such as IDT, Inc. and TSI, Inc. in order to develop ideal (over driven) LED light sources to maximize energy per pulse and uniform illumination, unique camera designs, improved and integrated software packages which can be used wirelessly. PHASE II OPTIONAL TASKS Tasks for Option I Task 6: Continue to develop next generation low-cost three-pulse PIV system The research team will continue to develop the next generation low-cost three-pulse PIV system which will be ready to test at Naval facility and also be ready for marketing to broad based customers such as NASA, Air Force, Department of Energy, academic institutions, and aerospace industry. Task 7: Demonstration of the newly developed and packaged PIV system in a facility of interest to Navy The research team will closely work with the Navy program managers and will implement the proposed system to their choice of facility and application. The facility and application could be towing tanks, large-scale facilities, water tunnels, etc. The team would also work with other government organizations like Air Force, Army, and NASA who are interested in understanding fluid-structure interactions and are appreciate of the simultaneous velocity and acceleration fields. The team will interact with the CFD community and will aid them to develop and improve the CFD codes by providing instantaneous and high resolution experimental data. Tasks for Option 2 Task 9: Hardware design and fabrication for the implementation of the newly developed PIV system for evaluating the flowfields on a platform recommended by Navy (NAVSEA). In cooperation with Spectral Energies, LL ASU will design and fabricate the necessary hardware and software in order to implement the newly developed PIV system on a platform which is of interest to NAVSEA or Navy, in general. The platform could include underwater vehicles, large models in large towing tanks, etc. This system will have the capability to measure velocity and accelerations simultaneously and will be user-friendly. Spectral Energies, LLC had already discussed the potential large-scale experimental demonstrations with Boeing Corp., Belcan Corp, NAVAIR, Air Force, and NASA. Each of these organizations has unique capabilities and resources and they expressed willingness to work with the proposed team in order to make the project as successful as possible. Demonstration of the proposed system is also beneficial to the above organizations in order to understand the complex fluid-structure interaction flowfields which occur in wide varieties of applications such as gas turbine engines, air frames, etc.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 12/6/13 → 12/31/15 |
- DOD: Navy: $180,000.00
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