Low-Defect GeSn and SiGeSn for Integrated High-Performance SWIR and MWIR Optoelectronics

Project: Research project

Grant Details


Our group at Arizona State University will produce the Ge-Sn and Si-Ge-Sn materials on which all proposed devices will be fabricated, and will also lead the development of light emitters based on such materials. We will characterize the materials using state-of-the-art tools such as XRD, TEM, RBS, PL and ellipsometry, and we will fabricate prototype diode structures to further monitor material quality and probe the emission properties. We are excited by the potential of the proposed project to extend the reach of Si photonics and hope that our participation will make a significant contribution to the industrial deployment of this new technology relevant to military objectives. The STTR provides a unique opportunity for a US company (Freedom Photonics) to compete with initiatives in Europe and Asia so that the US continues to maintain leadership in this area not only at the academic setting but also at the industrial sector.
Effective start/end date12/18/172/11/20


  • DOD-USAF-AFRL: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR): $418,500.00


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