Triple-pulse Particle Image Velocimeter for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Velocity and Acceleration Field of Fluid and Flexible Structure underg

  • Adrian, Ronald (PI)

Project: Research project

Grant Details


Triple-pulse Particle Image Velocimeter for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Velocity and Acceleration Field of Fluid and Flexible Structure underg Triple-pulse Particle Image Velocimeter for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Velocity and Acceleration Field of Fluid and Flexible Structure underg Task 1. Develop the necessary software for integrating the triples pulse algorithm into PIV Sleuth, an open source correlation based PIV interrogation software system (Christensen 2000) Deliverable: PIV Sleuth program containing an option for triple pulse image analysis. Task 2. Construct a three laser/three camera frame PIV system for testing the triple pulse method and software. Deliverable: Test bed for four different triple-pulse approaches: 1) 3 separate camera frames using 2 PIV cameras; 2) 2 camera frames using one PIV camera with double exposure of the second two pulses in the second frame; 3) second-order correlation analysis of images from 1) and 2); 4)third-order correlation analysis of images from 1) and 2). Task 3. Construct a test section for accelerating water flow and perform experiments in a converging nozzle flow having known acceleration field Deliverable: Proof of principle images for the triple pulse method, accuracy assessments for measurement of velocity and acceleration in a fluid, and operating procedures to optimize the algorithms used for the triple-pulse correlation analysis
Effective start/end date6/12/1212/31/13


  • DOD: Navy: $60,000.00


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