A Multisession Evaluation of Sexual Assault Prevention Education: The Unique Effects of Program Participation

Adrienne Baldwin-White, Karen Moses

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


One in five college women report being sexually assaulted, while men have the greatest likelihood to commit a sexual assault while attending a university. Because freshmen and sophomore college women are particularly vulnerable to victimization, it is important to provide effective sexual assault prevention education. The current study examines a multisession approach to sexual assault prevention at a southwestern university. This exploratory study assesses scores measuring knowledge of sexual assault, knowledge about healthy sexual relationships, and intent to act to prevent a sexual assault or after one has occurred, after students complete at least one of five sexual assault prevention programs (Community of Care, Consent and Respect, Step Up!, Live Well, or Frisky Business). Results demonstrated that participation in each program had unique effects and the number of programs a student participated in did not significantly affect scores. None of the programs produced significantly higher scores on all three measures. Multiple programs produced significantly higher scores on the knowledge and intervention/resources scales, but none had the same results for the healthy sexual relationships scale. Also, a student’s experiences of sexual violence significantly predicted their scores on all three measures. Because each program had different characteristics, the varying results make it difficult to identify the particular factors that led to the best results. Future research must seek to identify the particular combination of factors that produce the best outcomes in terms of changing attitudes and behavior concerning sexual assault and intent to act.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)NP7692-NP7716
JournalJournal of interpersonal violence
Issue number13-14
StatePublished - Jul 2021


  • adult victims
  • prevention
  • sexual assault

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Applied Psychology


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