Detection of Seiridium cardinale Causing Bark Cankers on Leyland Cypress (× Cupressocyparis leylandii) in Arizona

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Leyland cypress (× Cupressocyparis leylandii) is an evergreen windbreaks or privacy screening in Arizona. In Jul 2021, branch dieback and tree mortality were observed in Leyland cypress trees. Other symptoms include changed needle color, yellowing, wilting, branch decline, and longitudinal bark cankers on the stems and branches with resin exudates. Four branches with canker and resin exudates were collected for pathogen identification. Slow-growing fungal colonies on PDA had a dense and floccose appearance with a green or grayish-olive color in the center. Acervuli were formed on sterilized cypress twigs placed on water agar for 3 weeks under natural lighting provided by a nearby window with an eastern exposure (12 to 14 h photophase).Conidia were oblong-fusiform in shape and 21 to 28 × 8 to 11 μm brown media cells and two hyaline small end cells (1 μm long). These morphological characteristics putatively classified the fungus as Seiridium cardinale. ITS and BTUB DNA sequences confirmed the identification. To complete Koch’s postulates, pathogenicity tests were conducted in the greenhouse on five 3-year-old Leyland cypress plants in 5-liter pots. This provides the first account of the occurrence of bark cankers caused by S. cardinale in Leyland cypress in Arizona.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)114-116
Number of pages3
JournalPlant Health Progress
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2023


  • Leyland cypress decline
  • branch wilt
  • fungal canker
  • tree dieback

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Plant Science
  • Horticulture


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