
Pam Musil, Doug Risner, Karen Schupp

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingForeword/postscript


Musil, Risner, and Schupp, editors of Dancing Across the Lifespan: Negotiating Age, Place, and Purpose, introduce and interrogate the workings of age and aging across the lives of those who engage with dance, from early childhood to death. The text is organized in three sections: Section I, Educational Contexts, explores opportunities and challenges within varied environments where dance is taught. Section II, Social and Cultural Contexts, explores assumptions and experiences that reside within social, political, and cultural milieus. Section III, Artistic Contexts, explores issues that dwell within performing and dance-making environments. Within these broad categories, the editors introduce each contributing author's unique narrative. The conversations ignited within each chapter negotiate a diverse range of topics and incite critical discussion regarding matters of age and aging.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationDancing Across the Lifespan
Subtitle of host publicationNegotiating Age, Place, and Purpose
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9783030828660
ISBN (Print)9783030828653
StatePublished - Feb 4 2022


  • Aging
  • Children's dance
  • Dance education
  • End-of-life
  • Mid-life
  • Social issues

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities
  • General Social Sciences


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