Random adaptive tool path for zonal optics fabrication

Vipender Singh Negi, Tianyi Wang, Harry Garg, Weslin C. Pullen, Xiaolong Ke, R. R. Shravan Kumar, Heejoo Choi, Umesh Kumar Tiwari, Vinod Karar, Daewook Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Deterministic optics fabrication using sub-aperture tools has been vital for manufacturing precision optical surfaces. The fabrication process requires the tool influence function and the tool path to calculate the dwell time that guides the tool to bring surface quality within tight design tolerances. Widely used spiral and raster paths may leave excess waviness from the tool path, and the unavoidable constant removal layer is added to obtain positive dwell time. This waviness can be removed by either using smaller tools sequentially or randomizing the tool path. However, the existing tool-path solutions can hardly adapt to different surface aperture shapes and localized surface errors. Process efficiency and accuracy are also not well considered in tool-path planning. We propose an innovative zonal Random Adaptive Path (RAP) to solve these problems in this study. Firstly, RAP can be flexibly adapted to different surface aperture shapes by introducing part boundary. Secondly, an average threshold strategy is used in the RAP planning to improve efficiency, enabling the surface errors to be selectively corrected. Finally, the threshold is performed in several passes within one processing cycle, each with its RAP, until the desired residual is achieved. The performance of the proposed RAP is studied by comparing it with the conventional tool paths. The results demonstrated that RAP takes the least processing time and achieves the best surface quality, which verifies the effectiveness of RAP in deterministic optics fabrication.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)29295-29309
Number of pages15
JournalOptics Express
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 1 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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