Student use of flipped classroom videos in a therapeutics course

Asad E. Patanwala, Brian L. Erstad, John E. Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Purpose To evaluate the extent of student use of flipped classroom videos. Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a college of pharmacy therapeutics course in the Unites States. In one section of the course (four sessions) all content was provided in the form of lecture videos that students had to watch prior to class. Class time was spent discussing patient cases. For half of the sessions, there was an electronic quiz due prior to class. The outcome measure was video view time in minutes. Adequate video view time was defined as viewing ≥75% of total video duration. Video view time was compared with or without quizzes using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results There were 100 students in the class and all were included in the study. Overall, 74 students had adequate video view time prior to session 1, which decreased to 53 students for session 2, 53 students for session 3, and 36 students for session 4. Median video view time was greater when a quiz was required [80 minutes (IQR: 38–114) versus 69 minutes (IQR: 3–105), p < 0.001]. The mean score on the exam was 84 ± 8 points (out of 100). There was a significant association between video view time (per 50% increment) and score on the exam (coefficient 2.52; 95% CI: 0.79–4.26; p = 0.005; model R2 = 7.8%). Conclusion Student preparation prior to the flipped classroom is low and decreases with time. Preparation is higher when there is a quiz required.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)50-54
Number of pages5
JournalCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017


  • Flipped classroom
  • Student preparation
  • Therapeutics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics(all)


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